Wagner's Wellness Oilers

Whipped Organic Coconut Body Discomfort Balm

Good afternoon friends!  We hope you are having an amazing day today!  We are enjoying the bright sunshine today.  It is still cold, but we’ll take the sunshine! We wanted to share with all of you a magnificent whipped coconut body discomfort balm that we make.  We both have discomfort from time to time in …

Organic Frozen Banana Bites

We were making dinner last night, when our youngest daughter Madelyn asked for a banana.  She said, “Mommy, I love bananas…and chocolate”!  It dawned on us, that we should make frozen banana bites with chocolate.  How dreamy right?  Who doesn’t love a healthy treat?! So, after we finished putting our dinner in the oven, we …

Organic Mint Chocolate Energy Balls

Over the last couple of weeks, we have been sharing our favorite organic energy ball recipes with you.  They are always a huge hit in our house!  They are quick to make and are a great ‘On the Go’ snack!  Today, we are sharing a new version of our famous energy ball recipe; Organic Mint …

25 Daily Uses Of Peppermint Essential Oil

Peppermint essential oil is one of our favorite essential oils that we use daily.  Peppermint has a strong, clean, fresh, minty aroma.  One of the oldest and most highly regarded herbs for soothing digestion.  Jean Valnet MD studied peppermint’s supportive effect on the liver and respiratory systems. Other scientists have also researched peppermint’s role in …

Organic Pecan Coconut Balls

These bite size organic pecan coconut balls are the perfect snack; whether you are taking them on the go or just need a little afternoon pick me up!  They have just the right amount of sweetness and are loaded with protein! Ingredients: 1 C Organic Pecans 1/2 C Organic Unsweetened Coconut 3 TBSP Organic Chia …

Amazing Raw Organic Honey Home Remedies

Honey is a very common natural sweetener that many of us already use.  If you have chosen to do away with processed foods, you most likely have made honey your top choice for a natural sweetener. When choosing honey as your natural sweetener, it is important to know the different kinds of honey that are …

Homemade Organic Vapo-Rub Recipe

We have been fortunate this year to not have cold and flu season strike us!  We hope that you and your family have fought off cold and flu season as well! It is best to be prepared when it comes to keeping your family healthy!  If by chance, one of you catch the awful cold/flu …

Homemade Organic Fried Rice

We don’t know about you, but we love to mix up our dinners!  We like to switch out our meat and poultry dishes for vegetarian dishes every couple of days.  Last night was one of those nights! Our homemade organic fried rice recipe is not only easy and quick, it is delicious!  Besides cooking the …

Homemade Organic Ketchup

Ketchup is one of the most used condiments, especially amongst children.  If you have read any of the ingredient labels of store bought ketchup, you know that most of them include: high fructose corn syrup, conventional tomatoes that have been grown with chemicals, and packed in non-BPA cans. Fortunately, we have a very easy recipe …

10 Clever Uses of Lemon Essential Oil

Are you new to essential oils?  Today, we’re going to introduce you to lemon essential oil and the clever ways we like to use it!  Lemon oil is an incredible, versatile oil that we use everyday from cleaning to cooking to personal care use! 10 Clever Uses Of Lemon Essential Oil: Daily Morning Detox:  Add …