Wagner's Wellness Oilers

Homemade Organic Raw Strawberry Ice Cream

Our family had so much fun celebrating Memorial Day over the extended weekend!  The weather was absolutely gorgeous and perfect for homemade organic raw strawberry ice cream! We love creating and making new fun recipes for our family.  Our organic raw strawberry ice cream was a huge hit with everyone! Homemade Organic Raw Strawberry Ice …

Homemade Organic Vegan Peppermint Mocha Frappaccino

Our temperatures these past two weeks have been warmer than normal.  Who doesn’t love a refreshing, healthy, and easy to make frappaccino?!  We admit, we love our organic coffee and what better way to drink it, than in a frappaccino during warm weather. We have been trying out test recipes for the best tasting peppermint …

Homemade Organic Granola Cereal & Energy Balls!

Happy Tuesday Friends!  We’ve been busy the last week restocking our pantry and refrigerator with our homemade organic yummies aka our favorite foods! We love making our homemade organic raw energy balls!  They are delicious, very healthy, and a quick easy snack on the go!  We have several different energy ball recipes, but this one …

Our Family’s Well-Being Was Restored!

  Good morning and Happy Friday To You!  We are so excited to share with you how Thieves Essential Oil restored our family’s well-being!  Maria has a compromised immune system due to a rare nerve disease she has.  Usually, Maria is in the hospital at least two times during the months of October to April …

Homemade Organic Paleo Coconut Banana Pancakes

Our weekends have always been filled with breakfast traditions.  If we are at our cabin, Sundays are always ‘Homemade Organic Waffle’ breakfast days.  If we are home, we often make homemade organic egg, cheese, and ham on sprouted English muffins, or homemade organic pancakes. Well, this weekend, breakfast was a split.  Two of us wanted …

Homemade Organic Waffles

We have a family tradition of making homemade organic waffles whenever we are at our cabin.  Our two daughter’s love helping in the kitchen.  It is so fun to see the excitement on their faces when the meal they helped to prepare is ready to eat! This recipe is our all-time favorite waffle recipe and …

Homemade Organic Sunscreen

After a very long and extremely cold winter, Spring and the warm sun have finally arrived!  Sunscreen is a must if you are going to be outside in the sun, no matter what the temperature reads. Vitamin D comes naturally from the sun and is very important to the human body.  However, being out in …

Organic Sweet Dreams Sleep Cream

Hello Friends!  We had a very busy weekend packed with fun and memories, but not enough sleep!  Our family is feeling the affects of it today!  We thought it would be perfect timing to share with your our family’s ‘Organic Deep Sleep Cream’! There is nothing better than a good night’s sleep!  We have found …

Organic Apple Pie Foot Scrub

We have had a very, very cold winter!  Thank goodness summer is right around the corner!  With winter, comes dry skin.  What better way to get ready for gorgeous summer feet, than our Apple Pie Foot Scrub! Our homemade recipe smells so good and is so pure, you will want to eat it and it …

Homemade Organic Carrot Cake

Yesterday, we celebrated a couple of our daughter’s homeschooling milestones.  To celebrate, we made homemade organic carrot cake! We pride ourselves on eating whole organic foods and with as little sugar as we can.  We like to make this recipe two ways; one as a cake and the second as muffins without any frosting.  This …