Wagner's Wellness Oilers

The BEST Homemade Plant-Based Toilet Bowl Cleaner EVER!

The BEST Homemade Plant-Based Toilet Cleaner EVER Pin it

How many of you have thought that you were using a ‘Green & Safe’ cleaning product just to find out that it contains chemicals that are the exact opposite??!!  If you are fed up with spending hundreds of dollars on cleaning products and ready to ‘Go Green’, then we have the solution for you! By …

An Essentially Clean Home (Toxin-Free Floors)

toxin-free floors Pin it

You are the ‘Gatekeeper’ of your home. You control what you allow within the walls of your home. You alone are responsible for the health and safety of your family within your four walls of your home. You may be asking, why do the owner’s of Our Organic Home feel so passionately about living an …