Wagner's Wellness Oilers

Best Gift EVER!

There may be 123 shopping days left until Christmas, but now’s the best time to give and get The Best Gift EVER, the gift of health! Christmas is our favorite time of the year!  We love that Christmas brings out the best in everyone; love, goodwill, joy, and happiness.  We start celebrating Christmas right after …

Organic Cinnamon Roll Smoothie

Who doesn’t love how easy it is to make organic smoothies??!!  It’s pretty simple, throw your favorite organic foods into your blender and poof; you have the most delicious treat ever (we mean snack or meal)! We always like to create smoothies that taste like our favorite desserts.  If we can save the calories and …

Organic DIY Luxurious Bath Bombs

Organic DIY Bath Bombs; creating a luxurious spa night in the comfort of your own home! Who doesn’t love relaxing in a nice warm bath after a hard day’s work??!!  I know that we do! Making your own organic bath bombs guarantees that you will receive all of the health benefits of pure, organic, and …

DIY Infused Hair Highlights (They’re safe and they really work)

Have you begun your organic lifestyle but are still stuck on how to do away with the chemical hair care?  If so, we have the perfect solution for you: DIY Infused Hair Highlights! So, one of the hardest things to change over if you color or highlight your hair is hair color treatments.  Luckily, there …

Back To School Natural Survival Guide Day 2

Welcome to our brand new series Back to School Natural Survival Guide!  Yesterday, we discussed how to start your child’s morning off positively and energetically the natural way. Today, we’re going to discuss how to get your child over the First Day Jitters!  Even though we’ve been out of school for quite some time, we …

Back To School Natural Survival Guide

Back to School Natural Survival Guide is a brand new blog series dedicated to getting you and your family ready to start the 2016-2017 School Year! Whether you home-school your child(ren) or send them to public school; our Back to School Survival Guide Naturally will help them have the absolute best year ever! The best …

Organic Blackberry Pie Smoothie

Our summer harvests bring us the best of fresh organic berries; blackberries, strawberries, raspberries, and blueberries!  Our family should be the color purple from eating so many organic blackberries!  We of course eat a lot of blackberries fresh from our orchard, but we love to freeze them, can them, and make delicious jams with them …

DIY Poo-Poo Spray (Because Everyone Does It)

DIY Poo-Poo Spray (Because Everyone Does It)!!  We are on week two of our DIY Green & Organic mini-series.  This week, we’re sharing with you how to replace your current air fresheners with our DIY recipe for Poo-Poo Spray! (If you missed last week’s post, we talked about replacing your chemically laden soft scrub/cleaning spray …

Organic Perfect Grilling Marinades (A Summer Must-Have)

It wouldn’t be summer without enjoying cookouts with family and friends!  To us, nothing tastes better than grilling your foods!  We grill everything from meat, to veggies, to fruit, and even desserts. There are endless possibilities when it comes to grilling your meals! Our two favorite grilling marinades are our Citrus and Mediterranean.  Both marinades will …

Organic Soft Scrub

How many of you have thought that you were using a ‘green & safe’ cleaning product just to find out that it contains products that are the exact opposite??!!  If you are fed up with spending hundreds of dollars on cleaning products and ready to ‘Go Green’, then we have the solution for you! We …